Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the website formerly known as "". You might notice that there's not a lot to see here any more. The reason for this being, after three long and eventful years (2017-2020) of running my own AR/VR studio I decided it was time to call it a day.
I do want to make special note of some highlights during this time. Working with Firstage always comes to mind. Developing a platform that hosted a Gavin James performance will always be something I look back on with pride.
I thank my former colleagues at DAQRI for all their amazing advice and assistance with some valuable business partnerships. I also thank those who I was able to work closely with to create interesting training and work industrial work instruction applications for several fortune 500 companies.
Not many people have a chance to directly impact the lives of others. When working on the AHA project that is exactly how I felt. I will always appreciate the chance to help develop and application to assist children with ADHD to learn English literature skills.
Helping to found Eirmersive was a huge step for my development in becoming a confident and respected CEO. It was also the source of some of my closest friendships within the AR/VR industry in Ireland.
Experimenting with VR gaming and creating Fantasy Creator, a roleplaying AR character creator tool was the start of me reigniting my passion for gaming. I am forever grateful to the people who worked with me during that time.
I want to keep this website active as a memorial to the accomplishments the people I worked with and myself achieved.If you wish to find me now I am regularly active on Twitter and LinkedIn. I will be out there in the wide world making games that I am passionate about.
Thank you for taking the time to read this message.
Best regards,